Complementary Health Therapists

Complementary Health Therapists work in most parts of Australia, with the biggest share of Complementary Health Therapists is in New South Wales. They work primarily in Healthcare and Social Assistance; Retail Trade and Manufacturing industries. In recent years, Complementary Health Therapists have grown strongly and is expected to continue in the future.

Full-time work is common. Minimum requirements for Complementary Health Therapists include bachelor’s degree, relevant work experience, and registration or licence.



ANZSCO ID 252211


Job Description

Provide treatment of symptoms and disorders using needles and small electrical currents and may provide massage and preventive treatment



ANZSCO ID 252212


Job Description

Stimulate the body’s natural healing systems by using homeopathic remedies and prescribe patients with highly diluted substances based on their symptoms



ANZSCO ID 252212


Job Description

Uses natural medicines, prescription or legend drugs, foods, herbs, or other natural remedies to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases


Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner

ANZSCO ID 252214


Job Description

Uses traditional Chinese medical art of inserting fine needles at points on the body’s surface to influence physiological function


  • Chinese Herbalist

Complementary Health Therapist nec

ANZSCO ID 252299


Job Description

This occupation group covers Complementary Health Therapist not elsewhere classified. Occupations in this group include:

  • Dance Therapist
  • Drama Therapist
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Music Therapist
  • Dental Specialist